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3 Podcasts You Should Listen To Now

I am an audio junkie. Podcast person. Phonetic fanatic. Spotify slut.

I spend a good majority of my day listening to music and podcasts. It's truly like I have a soundtrack of health conversations and indie pop in the background of my life. For a plethora of reasons, music, ideas, and stories bring joy to my mind and ears.

Of all the content I've found in the vast abyss that is Spotify, these 3 podcasts have completely shaped the way I think. All health-related and all lead by incredible, interesting human beings. If you've heard of them, let's discuss. If you haven't, open your ears!

1. "On Purpose" Hosted by Jay Shetty

I don't even know where to begin. Jay Shetty, a former monk, brings his charming personality, unique experiences, and grounded energy to "On Purpose." Each lesson and interview is weaved with humanness, compassion, and guidance to live a healthier, more fulfilling, and mindful life. He interviews major celebrities, from Kobe Bryant to Kendall Jenner. These interviews go deeper than career and gossip, Jay's conversations gently and authentically examine the minds, lives, and routines of some of the most well-known and successful people in the world. They give us a glimpse into the personal, emotional and spiritual journey these people have taken to become who they are. My current favorite interview was with Simu Liu.

Admist the interviews, Jay also shares, my personal favorite, solo episodes that dive into tips and advice on focus, relationships, and self-growth. His advice is grounded in the principles of being a monk, from selflessness, kindness, detachment, and curiosity. I'm not exaggerating when I say he's had a monumental influence on how I operate in my day-to-day life. 10/10. Absolute must-listen.

2. "Huberman Lab" Hosted by Andrew Huberman

Okay, this show can definitely seem overwhelming upon first listen, but this science-based approach to understanding relationships, drugs, mental illness, and just about everything in-between, is a must-listen. "Huberman Lab" is hosted by Andrew Huberman, possibly the coolest Stanford professor there ever was. In the show, Huberman gets into the nitty gritty behind humans and the way we function, on a cellular level. Understanding how the receptors, chemicals, and genetics in our brains and bodies work gives a deeper understanding as to why we react in the ways we do. Huberman embellishes his impressive knowledge with approachability and accessibility. As someone who majored in the arts and hasn't taken a science class since 11th grade biology, I find the information easy to follow and digestible for the common person. Very worth the listen.

3. "Life Kit" Hosted by NPR

An NPR podcast (ugh, I love NPR) that is hub for all the random things we search on Google. "Life Kit" is a fascinating, easy listen-kind of podcast. Each episode lives around 20 minutes, perfect for a short commute, and packs a punch of tips, tricks, and random little information. Prompts vary, from budgeting, to racism, to technology, to camping, to dating, to family, and the list goes on. With a wide range of experts guests, you're given fast tips and information that you can apply to your life today. Every time I scroll through their episode list, I'm always met with topics and ideas I didn't even know I wanted to know about. When you're in need of a quick, easy, informative listen, give "Life Kit" a go!

Those are my health podcast recs. Have you listened?





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I'm Tessa! The girl who wrote that thing you just read! Want to find out more about me? Click below (if you dare)

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